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Concurrent 1 and Technology Fair 1

Page history last edited by Shannon Snow 13 years, 6 months ago


  Concurrent Session 1

  Technology Fair Session 1




Thursday, March 3, 2011

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.


Location:  201
Reaching All Students with Apple Technology
Apple continues to be at the forefront of providing technology tools that break down the barriers to learning for all students, regardless of their special needs or learning differences. For more than 20 years, Apple has provided new and innovative solutions for people with disabilities, allowing them to access — and enjoy using — the Mac, iPod, iPhone, and the iPad. Apple includes assistive technology in its products as standard features — at no additional cost. Join us to learn how Apple technology is being used to address students with special needs.
Todd Wellman, Apple



Location:  202
Emerging K12 Computing Trends
In this session, we will look at the different end user computing trends and devices that are evolving in the K12 space and analyze the pros and cons of each.  Topics will include tablets, netbooks, laptops, thin client, VDI, rich clients, laptops, BYO (bring your own PC).
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
Mary Lou Daily, NCDPI

Location:  204
Anchors Aweigh for ActivInspire Tips and Tricks!
Join us for a smorgasbord of ActivInspire tips and tricks to enhance your flipcharts!  In this session, Promethean's ActivCarolina team will take turns sharing their favorite ways to use ActivInspire in the classroom. You’ll walk away from this session with tools you can use immediately in your classroom!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
Leslie Lowe, Promethean
Matt Barfield, Promethean
Kathryn Vaughn, Promethean

Location:  205
School Security - Keeping Our Kids Safe
Join Security expert, Jim Mills of CSI for an in-depth look at the latest in IP Video Surveillance and Access Control for today's school environment.  Learn how to develop a sound security strategy for your district.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Leo Gallant, CSI Technology Outfitters
Jim Mills, CSI Technology Outfitters

Location:  206
SMART Software and the 1:1 Environment
Wilson County Schools teachers will introduce best practices for use of the SMART Classroom Suite in a 1:1 environment. Teachers will demonstrate how they used the Suite to enable virtual student grouping, LAN-based lesson delivery, student portfolio creation, and web-based assessment tools. SMART Math Tools will also be introduced.
Target Audience:  Middle, High, Administration
Joey Schnople, SMART


Location:  Tech Showcase A (Exhibit Hall)
How Secure are your School Networks?
Join Jim Finger (former K-12 School District CIO) and Sean Hogston of Extreme Networks as they discuss strategies to secure your school networks.
Target Audience:  Administration, Other
Jim Finger, Exteme Networks
Sean Hogston, Extreme Networks

Location:  Tech Showcase B (Exhibit Hall)
Dust off Your Clickers and Polish Student Performance!
Are your clickers spending too much time on a dusty shelf, mainly utilized as a review tool before the “real” quiz?  Learn how to use classroom student data collected during the lesson to give performance feedback, make midcourse corrections and to plan for differentiated instruction.  Make student achievement shine!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Theresa Bell, Centers for Quality Teaching & Learning
Rachel Porter, Centers for Quality Teaching & Learning
Steve Puls, Centers for Quality Teaching & Learning

Location:  301A
How long has it been since you enjoyed a Happy Meal?  Feel the same excitement again as you enter the world of educational Apps available for use with an iPod in the classroom.  Lesson plans are ready for you and your students. Unpack the box for an App-y Monday morning.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
April Hill, Roanoke City
Karen Snyder, Roanoke City

Location:  301B
Have You Googled Your Earth Today?
Yes Google Earth is cool, but is it educationally relevant? Come see the definite YES answer to this question as we share North Carolina Field Trips and Ideas for exploring our state. The session will offer a blend of broad concepts and specific techniques to be accessible by all ability levels.
Target Audience:  Elementary
Ben Davis, Stanly County Schools -ONLINE HANDOUT AVAILABLE -> http://goearth.wikispaces.com/

Location:  302A
Movie Trailers: Technology and Literature
Using technology to reinforce reading in the classroom. How students created a movie trailer after reading a novel. Include Language Arts tie ins, tools used and students perspective.
Target Audience:  Middle, High
Keith Ledford, West McDowell Jr High
link to website... website will stay up please share with your staff... contains everything needed to do the project http://tinyurl.com/612a4nz Please share your comments on the website...

Location:  302B
''Organizing Your Cargo using Dropbox, Livebinders, and Tizmos''
Before setting sail, learn how to organize your cargo (websites and files) using Dropbox, Livebinders and Tizmos.
Target Audience:  K-12
Barbara Crouch, Iredell-Statesville Schools
Jackie Parker, Iredell -Statesville Schools
Alisha Ellis, Montgomery County Schools



Location:  302C
Making the Most of Moodle in Your Elementary Classroom
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how Moodle can be adapted to extend the elementary classroom beyond its physical walls. More specifically, we’ll explore how the features and functions of Moodle can be used to create an online social learning network through blogs, forums, wikis, podcasts and more.
Target Audience:  Elementary
Shaun Kellogg, North Carolina State University


Location:  303
Back to the Future - Is Your Future in the Clouds?
1981 saw TERMINALS attached to MAINFRAMES.  1991 through 2001 all application processing was on the PC.  In 2011 we are pushing the processing back to a central location and we are implementing VIRTUAL Desktops and Cloud based applications.  We will discuss the basics of Cloud Computing and how to avoid some of the pitfalls
Target Audience:  Administration, Other
Sheila Sentelle, Tiber Creek Consulting
Don Junker, Tiber Creek Consulting, Inc.

Location:  304
Making Numbers tell their Story: Data Visualization & Infographics
Our world is measured, recorded, indexed, and archived -- and this cosmos of data has a story to tell. Explore a unique and exciting intersection between mathematics and art, where data can convey itself with practicality and beauty -- and see how teachers and learners can also make data talk.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
David Warlick, The Landmark Project and Featured Presenter



Location:  Third Floor Registration 2
When Leadership and Learning Collide
Today’s educational leader has to understand the 21st century learning process and map it to today’s workforce needs.  Gaining an understanding of what it takes to foster innovation/creativity/change in schools and classrooms is imperative for leaders at all levels. Attendees will learn how implement and model effective innovation/collaboration models for 21st century learning.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
David Edwards, NC Virtual Public School

Location:  Third Floor Registration 1
Technology innovators as school leaders
The new Professional Teaching Standards and evaluation tool represent a renewed focus on teacher leadership.  School librarians and instructional technologists are uniquely poised to lead in the school and to support teachers in developing their leadership capacity.  We‚Äôll share resources to fulfill teachers’ professional development needs, including Web 2.0 tools to make the evaluation process easier.
Target Audience:  K-12
Emily Jack, LEARN NC

Location:  305A
NC Learning Technology Initiative Framework for Planning in Your LEA
NCLTI presents an aligned blueprint and framework for planning technology-enabled learning.   NCLTI includes alignment with resources and initiatives from NCDPI, Friday Institute and partners and is built on capacity building research and lessons learned from NC initiatives including SCI, NCVPS, LEO, Golden Leaf, IMPACT and NC  1:1 projects.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Cynthia Sartain, NCDPI
Emmy Coleman, Friday Institute
Ann Davis, Friday Institute



Location:  305B
Don't Tutor Like It's 1999
Don't Tutor Like It's 1999.  Step into the 21st Century of tutoring.  During this session participants will learn how to e-tutor students using the SMART recorder.  Discussion will involve remediation, acceleration, visual and audio advantages of the recorder and portfolio ideas.


Handouts: http://smartrecorderncties.pbworks.com

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Other
Shannon Snow, Rockford Elementary/Surry County Schools


Shelley Bryant, Surry County Schools


Location:  306A
Using Promethean Software for Differentiation, Remediation, and Interventions
Promethean users will learn how to use ActivInspire to engage students in independent work for remediation, differentiated instruction, and centers and small group instruction.   Participants will view samples of flipcharts on a Promethean board and will receive a handout with ideas shared in the presentation.
Target Audience:  Elementary
Sadie Hoover, Joyner Elementary, Wake County Public Schools
Anita Cardona, Joyner Elementary, Wake County Public Schools

Location:  306B
Incorporating Free Web 2.0 Tools in the Middle School Classroom
You have a list of Web 2.0 tools, now what?  Come discuss ideas that engage and excite learners using a variety of FREE Web 2.0  tools in all subject areas grades 6-8.  Explore actual projects that have been completed through collaborations between classroom teachers and the media coordinator.  Handouts provided.
Target Audience:  Middle, High, Other
Amanda McCoy, Canton Middle School
Martha Early, colleague

Location:  306C
Connecting Students with Skype
Connecting Students with Skype will focus on using Skype in the regular education classroom to enhance teaching and learning while students build local, regional and international connections across the curriculum.
Target Audience:  K-12
Kelly Hines, Cherokee Central Schools
Deena Warwick, Chocowinity Primary School

Location:  307
Integrating Cool Web 2.0 Tools to Support All Learners in the 21st Century Classroom
Designed for K-12 teachers who want to integrate Web 2.0 cool technology tools to support any subject area.  Presentation includes how to use TPACK instructional model, and Web 2.0 tools such as Voki, Voicethread, Glogster, Toondoo, Prezi, and Tagxedo.  Materials used and distributed will be a wiki and websites.
Target Audience:  K-12, Other
Erin Barrow, Meredith College
Meg Nicholson



Location:  402
Understanding 'cloud computing': Is it really a vast silver lining or just a bunch of water vapor?
‘Cloud Computing' has been touted as a potential savior for budget-challenged technology educators and school districts.  But what, exactly, is it, how is it different than 'Web 2.0', and is it really worth your time and attention?  Join Patrick Crispen as he explains cloud computing in plain English, introduces you to new cloud tools and applications, and discusses cloud computing's promise and inherent weaknesses.
Patrick Crispen, Featured Presenter

  Location:  Ballroom A
Social Learning Networks Teaching kids where they live
In this session is an exploration of social networks as learning tools.  Through the example of my ArtSnacks network (http://artsnacks.org) I will help participants see the effectiveness of these engaging learning environments, while sharing the importance of teaching good online behaviors
Kevin Honeycutt, Featured Speaker

Location:  Booth 1
Build a Wiki Around Project Based Learning
Create your class wiki as the year progresses.  Begin with the basics, add new folders for each new project or unit. Let the students do the work, and watch as your class wiki takes shape. So far ours includes math powerpoints, literature responses, mixbook scrapbook pages, and more!
Target Audience:  K-12
Grace Warden, DF Walker Elementary
Deborah Goodman, DF Walker Elementary

http://gwarden.pbworks.com   come by the booth to get a password for ncties attendees 

Location:  Booth 2
Tweens Talk Tech
A 5th grade teacher will present a Voicethread where students discuss how they use Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.  Handouts with information for each tool featured will be provided.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
Krista Bond, DF Walker Elementary School

View my GLOG with links to the featured Voicethread and all mentioned links at http://kbond.edu.glogster.com/tweens-talk-tech/

Location:  Booth 3
Extravaganzas!! Instructional and Tech Planning for Success
Virtual Science Fair, French Fair, 8th Grade Global Issues Forum, 7th Grade Culture Fair--what do these have in common? They're big programs that allow students to showcase their work.  Come hear how we handle these big events TOGETHER.  Handouts and contact information will be available.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
Kathleen Christopher, Ravenscroft School
Gary Duggan, Ravenscroft School
Gerald Pinkerton, Ravenscroft School

Location:  Booth 4
Storytelling with Kerpoof!
Technology Fair: This session will showcase the interactive, creative website: Kerpoof!  The focus will be on creating picture stories as well as creating stories with text,animation and sound! Teacher accounts can be created so students may save their work. Kerpoof! website will become a favorite for you and your students whether in the technology lab or in the classroom!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
Cindy Gebbia, Forsyth Country Day School

Location:  Booth 5
Boom or Bust!
Create in-depth advertising units with your students as they learn about success and failure in business.  Students create their own advertising agencies to promote a neglected book from the Media Center.  The students must use technology skills to create commercials, book trailers, podcast jingles, etc. for their campaigns.
Target Audience:  Middle, High
Jennifer Northrup, Flat Rock Middle School
Renee Davenport, Flat Rock Middle School

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