
Concurrent 2 and Technology Fair 2

Page history last edited by Nancy Mangum 13 years, 11 months ago


Concurrent Session 2

Technology Fair 2




Thursday, March 3, 2011

10:10 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.


Location:  201
Support Management and Deployment of Apple's iOS devices including the iPad.
Join Apple to focus on the technical aspects of supporting a digital learning environment and iOS management of multiple devices in schools. In this session we will also address technical questions about the security of our iOS devices, how to deploy devices and apps, and how to manage iOS devices.
Target Audience:
Dan Semaya, Apple

Location:  202
Cloud Computing in Education
In this session, we will look at the different end user computing trends and devices that are evolving in education and analyze the pros and cons of each.  Topics will include tablets, netbooks, laptops, thin client, VDI, rich clients, laptops, BYO (bring your own PC).
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration

Location:  204
Get your ActivClassroom Ship Shape with the GeekMonkee!
Promethean’s very own technology geek, affectionately known as GeekMonkee, will share some of his techie tidbits that are sure to enhance the ActivClassroom.  This session is not for the weak of heart, so get prepared to be technologically challenged!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
Matt Barfield, Promethean
Leslie Lowe, Promethean

Location:  205
School Security - Keeping Our Kids Safe
Join Security expert, Jim Mills of CSI for an in-depth look at the latest in IP Video Surveillance and Access Control for today's school environment.  Learn how to develop a sound security strategy for your district.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Leo Gallant, CSI Technology Outfitters
Jim Mills, CSI Technology Outfitters

Location:  206
Multi-touch and gestures with the new 800 Series SMART Board
With the newest innovation in SMART Boards, teaching and learning become exceptionally natural and collaborative experiences. The SMART Board 800 series enables multiple users to instantly and easily work anywhere on its surface at the same time, so lessons are more hands-on and interactive. Come see what the future looks like!!
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
Joey Schnople, SMART

Location:  Tech Showcase A (Exhibit Hall)
Virtualization & Storage Efficiency in a K-12 environment
The average K-12 school district in NC is growing their data capacities by 30%/year.  CDW-G & NetApp will discuss current trends & technology in data storage, designed to address how to maximize efficiencies gained through virtualization.
Target Audience:  Administration, Other
Isaac Price, CDW-G

Location:  Tech Showcase B (Exhibit Hall)
Becoming 21st Century-Ready: Strategies for Integrating 21st Century Skills

It is impossible to miss the link between 21st century skills and student success. Educators know these skills are important, but struggle to successfully integrate them into the existing curriculum. This session will discuss what 21st century skills are and examine strategies for addressing integration through 21st century teacher training.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Heidi Thielen, Atomic Learning

Location:  301A
A Teacher for Every Student: Engaging the iPod Generation
Are you tired of repeating yourself and wish you could just press the rewind button? Now you can! Learn strategies for using iPods in the classroom for individualized instruction. Now students can work at their own pace, rewind as needed and allow the teacher to be with every student!

Engaging ipod generation.notebook

NCTIES Conference handout.doc

Download Helper Video
Target Audience:  Elementary
Erin Freestone, Scurlock Elementary School

Luz Antolinez, Scurlock Elementary School

Location:  301B
1:1 Classroom Toolbox
Fill your toolbox with websites used in a 1:1 elementary and middle school classroom! Walk away with enough tools to build your classroom and be prepared to teach them tomorrow. Handouts located here: http://webwizards.wikispaces.com/Presentations
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
Danita Russell, Lee County Schools
Kim Collazo, Lee County Schools

Location:  302A
Using Technology Tools to Differentiate Literacy Centers
Literacy centers are an important component of good literacy instruction in the elementary classroom. Come and see how teachers are using engaging technology tools to differentiate instruction and provide valuable learning opportunities for all students during literacy centers. Specific examples of using iPod touches and interactive whiteboards will be shared.  


Nancy Mangum, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
Jennifer Anderson, Banks Elementary/ WCPSS

Angela Sonntag, Banks Elementary/WCPSS

Frank Creech, Banks Elmentary/WCPSS



Location:  302B
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas! Techie librarians will share successful high school projects and lessons that have been implemented across different disciplines. Prezi in Science and Spanish! Animoto in Choir! Glogster in Health!  PowerPoint in Physics! PhotoStory in Art and History! VoiceThread in English! NoodleTools All Over the Place! AND MUCH MORE!


Check out http://projectpalooza.wikispaces.com for links, handouts, student samples and tons of project ideas linked to the North Carolina teacher evaluation tool -- whether you are a high school classroom teacher or a specialist, we have an idea for you to take back to your school/classroom!

Target Audience:  High
Kerri Brown Parker, Millbrook High School
Emma Braaten, Millbrook High School
Stacy Menzies, Heritage High School

Location:  302C
1:1 in a middle school math classroom
Join us as we share strategies and ideas for using laptops in a middle school math and science classroom.  Learn new ideas to use the following day!
Target Audience:  Middle, Administration, Other
Cynthia Wicker, SanLee Middle School
Wendi Wicker, SanLee Middle School

Location:  303
Come and Learn About the Many Faces of SMART Response PE, LE, XE, CE and VE.
In this session, participants will learn how to effectively integrate SMART Response into any learning environment. SMART Technologies offers 5 unique wireless Response models that can deliver formative and summative assessments using a variety of question types including text responses.  Come learn more about each SMART Response model to determine which one best meets each of your specific needs.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Doc Mahaffey, Xerox Audio Visual Solutions
Teresa Mitchiner, Professional Development Contractor

Location:  304
Are you a gadget head? Do you surf the net or listen closely to geeks talking in hopes of hearing about a cool software product or gizmo? Leslie Fisher (Gadget Freak) will show you some of her favorite hardware and software gadgets that do everything from make your life easier to provide piles of fun. Hardware, software and even completely off topic gadgets will be discussed.
Target Audience:
Leslie Fisher, Featured Presenter

Location:  Third Floor Registration 2
The Power of the Learning Community: What Administrators Should Know and Be able to Do
Building and district leaders will learn the why, what and how of developing a learning community to learn and lead creatively, innovatively, and collaboratively. The time will be devoted to demonstrating various social media tools leaders can plug into to develop a community engaged in digital learning conversations. Livebinder of Presentation and Resources for session

Target Audience:  Administration

Don Lourcey, North Carolina Virtual Public Schools
Jennifer Nobles, North Carolina Virtual Public Schools

Location:  Third Floor Registration 1
Critical Decisions in a Web 2.0 Environment: An analysis and guide for technology leaders
Teaching and learning with interactive tools requires a range of literacy skills that students and teachers alike may not possess.  This interactive session explores the range of skills demonstrated by students and teachers as they engage in 21st century learning, and how technology leaders can support both.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Bobby Hobgood, LEARN NC - UNC School of Education
Ross White, LEARN NC

Location:  305A
Cyberbullying: A Growing Problem
Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in the last five years. Learn more about cyberbullying and what your responsibilities as an educator are. Many helpful resources will be shared along with suggestions for preventing and responding to cyberbullying.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration
Mary Lou Daily, NCDPI
Donna Sawyer, NC Department of Public Instruction

Location:  305B
Supercharging SMART Board to Promote Student Engagement in Diverse Learners
This presentation will demonstrate the conversion of PowerPoint presentations to SmartBoard activities for engaging and purposeful learning.  A discussion will examine instructional activities that integrate diverse student needs while modeling SmartBoard’s interactive features.  Attendees will learn to apply SmartBoard technology to their classrooms, addressing all modality of learners.  Handouts provided.
Target Audience:  K-12
Andrew Smith, East Rowan High School

Location:  306A
Using your Promethean Board for 21st Century Integration

 Using Your Promethean Board for 21st Century Intergration.flipchart (File Size 265 MB)

(Embedded Flipcharts and Video)
21st Century Learning is about integrating digital tools into the culture of our school lives! A Promethean Board is a perfect HUB to integrate your different subjects with digital media. Learn how to incorporate digital resources for integration! Electronic Fliphcart examples to be distributed via a WIKI.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
Amy Crow, Co-Teacher @ Stough Elementary

Location:  306B
Navigating the Jungle
Here we are again, year 3!  Each year, Abbey and Mark bring you the best free tools on the web to make you classroom (and maybe even your whole life) better, easier, and more fun!  Bring your notebooks ‚Äì we guarantee you’ll leave with at least one new site!

Resources:  www.technicallyteaching.com

Target Audience:  Middle, High
Mark Samberg, J.P. Knapp Early College
Abbey Askew, Hertford County Public Schools

Location:  306C
First Contact: Beginning Global Connections
Global studies collaboration sounds great, but how do you get started? While not having all the answers, this presentation will provide some free and easy suggestions to begin exploring global classrooms and cultures, and ways to make first contact. A novice level exploration of Blogs, Twitter, Skype, and Google Apps.
Target Audience:  K-12
Eric Cole, East McDowell Junior High/McDowell County Schools

Location:  307
Data-Driven Teaching Using Technology-Focused Assessments
The focus will be on the importance of assessment in the classroom. We will discuss the progression of assessments focusing on the wonderful capabilities of the Active Expressions and Smart Clickers. We will also tie our presentation to the new teacher evaluation standards. Materials: projector, an Active board and Active Expressions
Target Audience:  K-12
Amber Tucker, Thomasville Middle School - tuckera@tcs.k12.nc.us

Fred Hoffmann, Thomasville Middle School - hoffmannf@tcs.k12.nc.us


     **  Thank you all who attended and for those who were unable, take a look!   We truly hope that you'll utilize this information to help your students and help yourself as an educator.  Assessments are more than just a grade in the book, and we need to be aware of that.  The flipchart from our presentation is linked below, along with a PDF verision as well.  CONTINUE TO GROW because your kids need you!  Shout out to all TCS folks that attended, thank you for the support! 

Data-Driven Teaching using Technology Focused Assessments.flipchart (Promethean ActivInspire file)

Data-Driven Teaching using Technology Focused Assessments.pdf


Location:  402
Bringing the online world in:  Instructional design tips and tricks for educational technology engagement
In this exciting and humorous one-hour presentation, you'll learn some instructional design tips and tricks that will help you effectively incorporate online content into you curriculum and even some ways that you can take your content online either in a blended or fully-online environment.
Target Audience:
Patrick Crispen, Featured Presenter

Location:  Ballroom A
Before They Click
In this presentation I delve into the difference between firewalls and teaching kids positive behaviors with digital tools and in virtual places. I talk about cyber-bullying and offer suggestions for guiding kids away from behaviors that are damaging to victims as well as bullies. I share resources and sites that are helpful for mentors of “digital” kids. This is a balanced conversation that illuminates  many positive digital tools that educators can use to bring out the best in kids
Target Audience:
Kevin Honeycutt, Featured Presenter

Location:  Booth 1
Connect with MEGA & Meridian @ NC State!
MEGA is a network that connects K-12 educators to NC State to focus on 21st Century Skills in the classroom: http://www.ncsu.edu/mega  Meridian is a K-12 Information and Communication Technologies Journal published online by  graduate students:  http://www.ncsu.edu/meridian.  Come learn about these K-12 resources from NC State and join our network!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Beckey Reed, NC State

Location:  Booth 2
FlipCams + Students + Book Reviews = Increased interest in reading!
East Middle students take videos of classmates giving book reviews of  books they have read. The videos are used two ways to increase interest in reading: 1- imported into  library's book catalog for viewing when the book is searched, 2- shown over school's tv network with morning announcements.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Linda Rinaldi, East Middle School
Jackie Jackson, East Middle School

Location:  Booth 3
NASA Tweetup STS-133
Overview of NASA Tweetup Event (STS-133). NASA selects 150 people to come to KSC to participate in 2 days of special events, concluding with shuttle launch. Tweeps tweet the happenings of the event. Event allows for inside look at NASA and opportunity to meet space enthusiasts from all over world.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Other
David Glenn, Burgaw Middle/Pender County Schools

Location:  Booth 4
Bringing them in Nook, line, and sinker! Nooks in the High School Library
This is for the technology fair!    The Currituck County High School Library decided to purchase 6 Nooks for students to check out and loaded them with high interest classics and Young Adult fiction. The presentation will focus on how we purchased, set up, and circulated our Nooks.

Session link: http://cchsnooks.pbworks.com/w/page/36562174/Nooks-in-the-High-School-Library
Target Audience:  K-12
Mary Simmons, Currituck County High School
Beth O'Briant, Currituck Co. Schools

Location:  Booth 5
Glog it with Glogster.edu
With Glogster EDU your students can create inspirational interactive online posters that include video clips, audio clips, images, and writing inside a safe, controlled, private space.  Glog your way to more creative project-based learning with this free Web 2.0 resource.
Target Audience:  K-12
Dottie Black, Duke University

counter on godaddy

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