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Technology Fair 3

Page history last edited by Ms.Garber 13 years, 6 months ago


Technology Fair 3





Thursday, March 3, 2011

1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Location:  Booth 1
Checking the Rearview Mirror on Technology (A Tech Fair session)
Let's chat about bygone days of Z-80s, PC Jrs, your first laptop, yesteryear's ''iPads,'' or that old Kapro you dad (or grand-dad) used. This will be a gathering of folks who want to honor the past of ICT. Come see some of my relics and bring along your own.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
David Warlick, The Landmark Project and Featured Presenter

Location:  Booth 2
Technology In The Fine Arts
Come by our booth for a hands on experience with some of the programs used in our music and theatre classes.  Review music basics with Jog The Web, create a set design with Google Sketchup, visit a student created Wikispace about music history, see samples of students audience behavior guidelines posters designed with Glogster and see how students can write their own musical compositions with MuseScore.  The tip of the iceberg of using technology in the fine arts classroom.  Focus on Music and Theatre with Web 2.0 tools, 1:1 program and collaboration with other subject areas.
Target Audience:  Middle, K-12
Jennifer Starkey, West Lee Middle School
Jackie Brandt, West Lee Middle School

Jessie Bachler, West Lee Middle School

Location:  Booth 3
Travel the 1:1 Timeline

In August 2010, the 1:1 learning environment became a reality at Watauga  High School.  We put 1600 laptops in the hands of students and staff with 10 months to prepare!  Travel the timeline with us:  preparing faculty, planning student deployment and training parents and students for our 1:1  journey.

Nancy Zeiss, Watauga High School

Laura Carson, Watauga High School

Location:  Booth 4
Learn how to make a white board interactive with this wireless slate board. No more standing in front of the white board or computer for direct insturction. Engage students with hands on applications without leaving their seats.
Target Audience:  K-12
Michael Murphy, Conn Active Learning and Technology Magnet ES
Brenda Shore, Conn Active Learning and Technology Magnet ES

Location:  Booth 5 - Cancelled
MINDSET: Mathematics INstruction using Decision Science and Engineering Tools
MINDSET is a collaboration between educators, engineers and mathematicians to create and implement a curriculum to teach standard mathematics concepts using math-based decision-making tools for a non-calculus fourth-year mathematics curriculum.  Participants will receive a brief summary of the project and  solve and interpret solutions to multi-step real-world problems using technology.
Target Audience:  High
Karen Norwood, North Carolina State University

Location:  Promethean Bus in Vendor Area
Integrating BrainPop and ActivExpressions
Do you have a BrainPop subscription as well as a Promethean Board? Did you know that BrainPop and Promethean have partnered together to integrate quizzes with ActiVotes and ActivExpressions! Have you seen how your students love viewing instant results? You will love how easy it is to get instant assessments on their learning! Find out how!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
Julie Garber, Stough Elementary
Amy Crow, Co-Teacher @ Stough Elementary

Integrating BrainPop and ActivExpressions

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