
Concurrent 4

Page history last edited by Bobbie Combs 13 years, 11 months ago


  Concurrent Session 4





Thursday, March 3, 2011

3:50 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.


Location:  201
Reaching All Students with Apple Technology
Apple continues to be at the forefront of providing technology tools that break down the barriers to learning for all students, regardless of their special needs or learning differences. For more than 20 years, Apple has provided new and innovative solutions for people with disabilities, allowing them to access — and enjoy using — the Mac, iPod, iPhone, and the iPad. Apple includes assistive technology in its products as standard features — at no additional cost. Join us to learn how Apple technology is being used to address students with special needs.
Target Audience:
Todd Wellman, Apple

Location:  202
Utilizing the FREE ntel Teach Program for Professional Development
Provide “free” quality professional development to support RttT initiatives. Resources are research based; standards correlated and support the NC Future Ready Students for the 21st Century. Intel and NCDPI join to provide ''free'' professional development that includes PBL, 1:1 Computing, and Formative Assessment.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration, Other

Location:  204
The ActivClassroom in Bloom
As educators, we are familiar with Benjamin Bloom’s classification of learning objectives known as Bloom’s Taxonomy.  This session will examine how easy it is to incorporate Bloom’s objectives into the ActivClassroom.  We will explore developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that address these objectives and support teaching and learning throughout all content areas and grade levels.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Kathryn Vaughn, Promethean
Leslie Lowe, Promethean

Location:  205
Cloud Communications with CSI@K12
Learn how you can replace that old phone system with state-of-the-art VoIP, fully provisioned with no expensive infrastructure! Also,leverage Microsoft's Live@edu while maintaining compliance. Last, learn how to fund it!
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Leo Gallant, CSI Technology Outfitters
Kurt Haas, CSI Technology Outfitters

Location:  206
Lesson Development and Student Centered Learning with the SMART Table
Want to see how to really make the SMART Table sing?? Teachers describe their success in creating student centered activities with the SMART Table, and how they integrated the Table into their classroom environment. Lesson development, classroom management and setup, and curriculum integration will be covered.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Other
Joey Schnople, SMART

Location:  Tech Showcase A (Exhibit Hall)
Using Evidence-Based Assessment to Engage Students and Foster Learning
Explore MAPS, a flexible solution for online assessment offering students an environment to  1)show what they know, and demonstrate their learning processes. MAPS combines online and offline collaboration and evidence capture tools. Discover how easy multi-dimensional assessment can be. Free two-month subscription to MAPS and Clip Art Station.
Target Audience:  Middle, High, Administration
Erin Antonius, Sherston America

Location:  Technology  Showcase B (Exhibit Hall)
Using SPARK Science to Enhance Hands-on Science
To prepare science learners today for the demands of tomorrow, PASCO introduces the SPARK Science Learning System. See how its design can help every teacher transform their classroom into a 21st century learning environment. Participate in a powerful learning experience as you complete one of the 60 pre-installed lab activities.
Target Audience:  K-12
Virginia Crisp, PASCO scientific

Location:  301A
Action Attraction with J.I.M
Get out of your teaching slump and get into hands-on activities that will interest students and teachers of all types.  Learn how to use the Apple iLife Suite to help you transform your classroom into a 21st Century Learning Environment in no time.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle
Matthew Tomala, Harnett County Schools
Isaac Bancroft, Harnett County Schools
Jay Pope, Harnett County Schools

Location:  301B
Google Earth Add-ons - Inspiring Learners
Google Earth puts an entire planet's worth of useful, relevant, and just plain weird content at your fingertips. Come explore the many exciting add-ons for Google Earth. This session is packed with add-ons that will engage, motivate, and inspire student learning. Participants will receive a URL to access the add-ons.
Target Audience:  K-12
Kacey Sensenich, Cumberland County Schools
Bobbie Combs, Cumberland County Schools
Presentation Resources Available at:  http://goo.gl/dyxil 
Location:  302A
Game On!  Integrating Video Games Into Your Classroom
Education through video games?  You bet!  In this session, Lucas will share a rationale for integrating video games into your curriculum to spark learning and excitement.  You'll learn 11 strategies for successful implementation and see several examples of games that have powerful learning potential.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Lucas Gillispie, Pender County Schools

Presentation Resources Available at:  http://www.edurealms.com

Location:  302B
It's Alive!  Using LiveBinders to Organize Instructional Content
Learn to organize instructional content using LiveBinders.  Create electronic ''books'' for class presentations or for student use away from the classroom and learn how students can use this free tool!
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
Kaye Carraway, Clemson University
Katie Carraway, Teacher/ Technology Specialist

Location:  302C
Online Classes - Credit Recovery - Remediation and it's FREE! Reach your high absentee students and late night learners at home. Come and see how Roanoke City Schools is using Moodle to help students achieve and graduate. Oh, and did we mention it's FREE!
Target Audience:  Middle, High, Administration, Other
Sharon Conner, Roanoke City Public Schools
Ernie White, Roanoke City Public Schools

Location:  303
Advanced tips on using CPS Student Response with Examview, ClassScape and Study Island
Advanced tips on using CPS Response Systemsintegrated with Examview, ClassScape and Study Island by K12 Teachers using CPS. Drawing for a free CPS Student Response System.  Must be present to win.
Target Audience:  K-12
Kelly Griffin, Proven Learning - eInstruction Business Partner
Edna Luper, Proven Learning

Location:  304
Teaching Teachers to Take the Next Step
Some are ready, some want no part, and the rest need inspiration and direction, in that order. This session includes a dozen suggestions on what to and not to do regarding the best use of resources and funds, building collaboration and promotioin of schools and programs, and pulling the inner technophile out of even the most technophobic.  The presenter will include information on training, implementation, funding, projects and equipment.
Rushton Hurley, Featured Presenter

Location:  Third Floor Registration 2
Digital Citizenship - Your Passport to Today's World
This workshop will help schools and communities develop digital citizenship guidelines for K-12 students.  The goal is to encourage students to good online practices that will help ensure success in the modern world.
Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other
Adam Renfro, The North Carolina Virtual Public School
James Bell, North Carolina Virtual Public School

Location:  Third Floor Registration 1
Engaging digital natives: Technology isn’t always the answer
While students love technology, it doesn’t always provide sustained engagement to meet the needs of digital natives.  This interactive, research-based session explores student behaviors and offers strategies that don’t begin with technology.  Participants will leave with a framework for a student-centered environment where technology is seen as one resource among many.
Target Audience:  Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Bobby Hobgood, LEARN NC - UNC School of Education

Location:  305A
Maximizing Your Discounts
Are you receiving the most out of your time and energy filing for E-rate discounts? This presentation gives you solid ways to ensure the maximum return on investement.
Target Audience:  Administration, Other
Jeannene Hurley, NC Department of Public Instruction
Barry Pace, NC Department of Public Instruction

Location:  305B
Students: Motivated, Alert, Ready--Teach!
SMART notebook ideas and reminders for designing lessons that will engage the 21st Century Learner. Make the most of this technology tool so you can seamlessly facilitate the learning process.
Target Audience:  Elementary
Karen Lipski, JV Washam Elementary

Location:  306A
The 3 C’s of Document Cameras
Did you know that your document camera can take pictures, record movies or interact with multiple software packages on your computer?  Come in, take a seat, and see how many new ways a document camera can change your classroom.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
Evan Herreid, Wisnton-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
Brian Piekarski, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
The 3 C's of Document Cameras

Location:  306B
What are you ''Glogging'' about?
Glogster.edu is a site where students can create interactive, collage style posters.  A ''Glog'' can include text, audio, video, links, and digital images included in Glogster library or upload your own.  Learn how you and your students can create online posters and embed on your web page, blog, or wiki.  Giving away 2 month FREE Teacher Premium Glogster License  to participants while supplies last & Grand Door Prize = FREE 1 Year Teacher Premium Glogster License   
Target Audience:  K-12
Maureen Davis, Albemarle Middle School / Stanly County Schools
Brooke Davis, Aquadale Elementary / Stanly County Schools
Link:  http://mckeon.edu.glogster.com/ncties-presentation/
Location:  306C
Addressing Social Media and 21st Century Learning Through School Improvement
Hear how Kimmel Farm Elementary implemented a Social Media Policy into it's School Improvement Plan to protect/educate its faculty and parents in best practices and safe uses of 21st Century technologies.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Sam Walker, Kimmel Farm Elementary
Steven Anderson, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
Melissa Edwards, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Location:  307
Enhancing Learning Via Mobile Applications for the Classroom
This presentation will present some of the top mobile applications that can enhance classroom collaboration and community in both a traditional and online environment.
Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Jessica Lofton, Kaplan University

Location:  402
Keeping up with the Googlebots, Spring 2011 edition:  What have the evil Google scientists been up to over the last year?
Completely new for spring 2011, this one-hour presentation introduces you to the latest Google tools and tricks that will make both you and your students more productive, taller, and better looking.  Or not.  Seriously, though, in this one-hour presentation we'll attempt the impossible:  We're going to try to catch up with all of-or at least most of Google's latest inventions.
Patrick Crispen, Featured Presenter

Location:  Ballroom A
Tammy's Favorite Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools
In this all new session, Tammy will share her favorite tips, tricks, and tools for teachers and students. Participants will learn a variety of simple, yet effective ways to use their computers more efficiently and effectively and will explore some cool resources that will enhance teaching and learning.
Tammy Worcester,  Featured Presenter

Location:  Ballroom B
Connecting Your Classroom to the Future
This presentation takes a look at technological predictions and predicaments that have informed the direction of current instruction, and ponders a few questions about teaching for the future. How can teachers design curriculum that embeds technology in a meaningful way? What tools should the classroom technology toolbox contain? What are the management strategies to facilitate this connected classroom? (Support materials: http://linkyy.com/connecting)
Kathy Schrock, Featured Presenter

Location:  Ballroom C
Set Your Sails on the LMS Bloom
Learning Management Systems can deliver content and activities that will align with the levels of Bloom's taxonomy.  Find out how Moodle Resources, Activities, and other items can  assist you and take your lessons to a higher level of thinking and student engagement.
Target Audience:  K-12
Gordon Toudt, Union County Public Schools
Linda Helbig, Union County Public Schools







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