Concurrent Session 5
Friday, March 4, 2011
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Location: 201
Exploring the new SMART Table
The SMART Table is the first multitouch, multiuser table for early education students. This session will explore the features of the new SMART table, as well as new applications and new customizable ready-made activities.
Target Audience: Elementary, Other
Lee Thompson, Seed Comm
Ashleigh Snyder, Ms
Location: 202
How Desktop Virtualization Helps Local School Districts
Today, desktop virtualization is being adopted by educational institutions across the globe to streamline the costs and complexity associated with managing desktop environments, and to provide students and teachers alike with a collaborative learning platform that improves the student to computer ratio and enhances the way teachers teach and students learn.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12
Shaun Jones, Cisco
Location: 204
Virtual Library and Content
A 24/7 library for school and home access. LEXILE and interest inventory for help suggesting books. Sentence and word highligting as the book is read aloud. Come see the ''now'' generation library with MyON Books and Weekly Reader Connect.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle
Brett Eaker, Hart Inc.
Location: 205
Building Early Literacy in Grades Pre-K-2 and Science Proficiency in Grades 3-5
See how to use World Book's Early World of Learning to develop literacy/comprehension for Pre-K-2. See how Science Power fosters science mastery using differentiated lessons,correlations to NC curriculum/science texts,quizzes,trackable tests, experiments,videos, extension activities, and educator resources. Take home free trial and cyber hunt.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, Other
Barbara Mayo, World Book, Inc.
Location: 206
Fundraising for a District-Wide Technology Rollout
How was Gaston County Schools able to put a SMART Board in every classroom in their district? They will discuss best practices from their successful $4 Million initiative, including use of private and public funds, securing donors, and grant writing to improve technology in every classroom.
Target Audience: K-12, Administration
Joey Schnople, SMART
Location: Tech Showcase A (Exhibit Hall)
Computers & Mobile Devices on the Move: Securing Your Classroom's Mobile Future
The increased use of laptops, iPads and mobile phones in the classroom brings new challenges to IT administrators. Attendees will learn best practices for safeguarding and securing computers, the data on them, and how to track and manage mobile computers and smartphones across a system, regardless of operating system – saving both time and money.
Target Audience: High, K-12, Administration
Christine Eckert, Absolute Software Corporation
John Wu, Absolute Software
Location: Tech Showcase B (Exhibit Hall)
Integrating Digital Resources into Your Curriculum
Learn how to store all your digital resources including electronic white board files, video, MP3, documents, ebooks, etc. in one system and integrate them into daily instruction throughout your entire district. Discover how to support daily instruction with interactive formative assessment utilizing popular mobile devices such as iPads and iTouches.
Target Audience: K-12
Linda Maxson, SAFARI Montage
Location: 301A
Equity and Differentiation Realized through 1:1 iPod touches
Two years of iPod Touch school-wide implementation at Culbreth Middle has served as a catalyst for real access to equity and differentiation. Our assessment results reflect significant gains with ESL, EC, and students of color. This mobile device has been an instrument of unique access for these and all students.
Target Audience: K-12, Administration
Susan Wells, Culbreth Middle School
Lynne Goodhand, Culbreth Middle School
Location: 301B
Differentiation for the Digital Learner
Are you struggling to meet the needs of all your students while juggling all the demands of the classroom? Digital natives who are sitting in classrooms being overlooked and ignored! This session will focus on strategies (RBT, Learning/Teaching Styles, web 2.0) to help reach every student!
Target Audience: K-12
Amy Stanley, Johnston County School
Jamie Lanier, Johnston County Schools
Conference Presentation.pdf
Location: 302A
Student Voices: providing authentic audiences for students to share their work using Voicethreads
Learn how an ESL specialist and a school librarian use Voicethreads (free communication and collaboration tool)in their own instruction with students and how they support classroom teachers using Voicethread. Examples and session content will be posted online.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle
Karen Jeremiah, Mary Scroggs Elementary/Chapel Hill-Carrboro
Lisa Albury, Mary Scroggs Elementary/Chapel Hill-Carrboro
Link to presentation: Student Voices
Location: 302B
Connecting your class globally using Scribblar
Scribblar, a free web 2.0 tool, creates a virtual classroom that allows educators and students to share strategies, ideas, and complete assignments in real time learning. Presenters will also demonstrate tools to enhance classroom engagement using Xtranormal and MOBI in direct instruction, taking IWB to the next level.
Target Audience: Elementary, K-12
Please access this link during the session for a demonstration of Scribblar.
Please click here to view an example of Xtranormal used to review a Third Grade math concept.
Geoffery Chandler, Classroom Teacher
Brandy Gregoire, Classroom Teacher
Location: 302C
Highlighting the T and E in STEM!
Learn how a nationally recognized NC school is integrating Technology and Engineering into elementary STEM education. K-5 engineering design challenges and correlated technology activities will be shared and discussed.
Target Audience: Elementary
Lizette Day, Rachel Freeman School of Engineering
Location: 303
Looking for engaging web-based instructional activities that are affordable?, a web-portal from Sunburst, provides hundreds of activities for teachers to assign to an individual, group or entire class. Containing such award winning Sunburst titles as Key Skills, Tenth Planet and Math Pathways, gives student’s access 24/7 to language arts, math and science content.
Target Audience: K-12
Robin Hadden, Sunburst Technology
Location: 304
Adobe Premiere
Have you been looking for way cool easy video creation on your Windows machine? If so, take a look at Premiere Elements. This class will start off talking about the basics of capturing quality video. We will then use Premiere Elements to create a video file with slick transitions, text effects, sound tracks, narration and more! If you are familiar with layers in Photoshop you will love the ease of use of Premiere Elements! The class will conclude with a discussion on how to output your project to the web, dvd or computer.
Target Audience:
Leslie Fisher, Featured Presenter
Location: Third Floor Registration 1
Discover great online resources for teaching
Bring your laptop and come play with the latest free online teaching tools. The folks behind LEARN NC’s Instructify blog will guide you show you the latest educational games, animation programs, and time savers, as well as cover how you can use them in class.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Bill Ferris, LEARN NC
Jason Don Forsythe, LEARN NC
Location: Third Floor Registration 2
The 3Cs of the Professional Learning Network: Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating
Intended for k-12 teachers to play in the sandbox of the Professional Learning Network. The presentation will focus on the why, the what, and the how of developing a network to connect, communicate, and collaborate. Audience will be exposed to a variety of social media to build a PLN. Livebinder of Presentation and Resources for session
Target Audience: K-12
Don Lourcey, North Carolina Virtual Public Schools
Jennifer Nobles, North Carolina Virtual Public Schools
Location: 305A
Using Google Templates and Creating Your Own
In this session will use the online Google Documents Templates that are geared towards the classroom. As well will take and create your own for using over and over.
Target Audience: K-12, Administration
John Warf, NC DPI
Michael Ramsey, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Location: 305B
Integrating SMART Toolkit 2.0
Teachers are invited to see the Lesson Activity Toolkit 2.0 from Notebook software in action! Two elementary technology facilitators will present content-based activities to use with K-3 students. We will give you lessons to take back to your classrooms and schools to use right away.
Target Audience: Elementary
Tamara Ballard, Mooresville Graded School District
Jim Carlson, Mooresville Graded School District
Download our presentation outline here.
Location: 306A
QuickEdTech -Mobile Course Processes Now, Fast, and Free
Using processes outlined at, this presentation demonstrates how teachers can embed widgets in a Learning Management System to create a dynamic blended learning environment. Learn how to provide instant access to photos, videos, screencasts, files, and Twitter posts effectively eliminating barriers to entry in online learning.
Target Audience: Middle, High
Mike Shumake, NCVPS
Dan Froelich, NC Teacher Academy
Location: 306B * Update*
Session Name: I-Touches for I-Learners
Session Description: You have I-Touches in your classroom. Now what? Learn ways to integrate I-Touches into your students' day as a tool for reteaching, practice, engagement and sharing. Learn practical ways to make this tool work for you instead of more work for you.
Target Audience: K-3
Stephanie Wilkins, Carrboro Elementary School
Location: 306C
Global Projects
So, you want to have your students connect globally, but you do not know where to start? There are so many global projects already created that you can use with your K-5 students. Your students will be able to do a project and share with other students around the country and the globe.
Target Audience: Elementary
Tiffany Trent, McGee's Crossroads Elementary
Location: 307
Towards Best Practices for Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Classroom
The sheer number of the available Web 2.0 technologies and tools is incredible. For non-tech-savvy educators and teachers just beginning to integrate technology into their classrooms this fact can deter them from even trying. This session will propose a number of best practices that are emerging from our research with teachers of technology.
Target Audience: K-12
Matthew Kruger-Ross, North Carolina State University
Lori B. Holcomb, North Carolina State University
Location: 402
A random walk through cyberspace: Patrick Crispen's completely updated collection of truly useful- and not so useful- website and Web 2.0 tools
Join Patrick Crispen as he introduces you to a collection of spectacularly useful and horribly useless web sites and tools.
Patrick Crispen, Featured Presenter
Location: Ballroom A
Cool Web Tools for Interactive Whiteboards
In this session, you’ll discover some fantastic (and free!) web resources that can enhance your teaching and engage your young learners. These tools can aid in classroom management, whole-group instruction, and small-group interactive activities. Even if you don’t have an interactive whiteboard, you’ll find that these tools can transform your classroom!
Tammy Worcester, Featured Presenter
Location: Ballroom B
Kathy's Technology Scrapbook
Take a trip through the highlights of technology over the last 45 years as Kathy turns the pages of her technology scrapbook!
Kathy Schrock, Featured Presenter
Location: Ballroom C
GPS 101: Globally Positioning Students in the 21st Century
This session focuses on the planning behind educational geocaching as a means to integrate technology across multiple curriculum boundaries. The presentation will share the basics of geocaching as well as the development of several lesson plans for use in both core and exploratory classrooms. Handheld GPS receivers, video footage, and data projector will be used. Lesson plan sheets as well as teacher/student handouts will be distributed.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Matthew Pugh, Thomasville Middle School
Kevin Swaim, Thomasville Middle School
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