
NCTIES 2010- 2011 Board

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Saved by cindy p
on February 21, 2011 at 9:58:21 am

Barbara Moose

Vice President
Sonya Terry
Jeff Tudor
Past President
Ellen Minter

Regional Directors

Region 1
Cindy Phthisic
Edenton-Chowan Schools

Region 4
Roxie Miller
Gaston County Schools

At Large
Christine Hunt
Davidson County Schools
Region 3
Dick McFall
Durham Public Schools

Region 6
Jane Milner
Buncombe County Schools

At Large
Amy Cheney
Appalachian State University
Region 2
Julia Hieronymus
Pender County Schools

Region 5
Judith Ray
Catawba County Schools

Committee Chairs

DPI Liason
Neill Kimery

Scott Smith

Technology Teacher
Cathy Evanoff

Zelia Frick

Aaron Slutsky

Professional Development
Nancy Mangum
Media Coordinator of the Year
Cathy Evanoff

Conference Scheduling
Cindy Phthisic

Service Award and ISTE Affilate
Debbie Core

SIG Admin
Marlo Gaddis

Social Media
Steven Anderson

Communications and Public Relations
Donna Murray

Legislative Committee
Nancy Sands

Educator Award
Cathy Evanoff

Christine Hunt

Vendor Liason
Libby Gray

Region 1 (Northeast): Currituck; Camden; Pasquotank; Perquimans; Perquimans; Chowan; Gates; Hertford; Beaufort; Bertie; Martin; Washington; Tyrell; Dare; Hyde; Pitt; Northampton; Edgecombe

Region 2 (Southeast): Wayne; Greene; Lenoir; Jones; Craven; Carteret; Duplin; Onslow; Pamlico; Pender; New Hanover; Sampson; Brunswick; Wilson; Johnston; Bladen; Columbus

Region 3 (North Central): Durham; Granville; Vance; Franklin; Wake; Warren; Nash; Stokes; Rockingham; Caswell; Person; Alamance; Forsyth, Guilford; Orange; Randolph; Chatham;

Region 4 (South Central): Cumberland; Harnett; Hoke; Lee; Moore; Montgomery; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland; Anson; Union; Stanly; Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Lincoln; Gaston; Cleveland

Region 5 (Northwest): Davidson; Rowan; Davie; Iredell; Catawba; Alexander; Caldwell; Yadkin; Wilkes: Surry; Allegany; Ashe; Watauga

Region 6 (Southwest): Avery; Burke; Buncombe; Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Hyde; Jackson; Macon; Madison; McDowell; Mitchell; Henderson; Polk; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania; Yancey


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